Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Pray for New President
It Only Takes a Few
(2 Chronicles 7:14)
You may be thinking, "Can a few people like us actually change the whole nation?"
Let me ask you this: Can one demonic person change a nation for the worse? Definitely. Hitler did it in Germany, didn't he?
If the devil's power resting on a man can change a nation for the worse, you can be sure that a group of men and women with God's power resting on them can change a nation for the better.
No nation is so far gone that God can't change it. Israel proved that. Why, even when it didn't exist, the devil couldn't destroy it. God raised it back up before His very eyes.
I want you to notice something in that scripture. It says, "If MY people, which are called by MY name...." God didn't say it would take everybody in the nation to get things turned around. He said, "If MY people...."
Notice also that He didn't say, "If my people will get out there and sign petitions and drum up a majority vote...." He said, "Pray." In other words, we're going to have to quit trying to work this thing out by ourselves. God Himself will do the healing in this land. Our job is to pray, to believe and to seek His face. Seek Him today.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Kim Clement: God says, "I will Introduce Myself starting in WALL STREET and going through the STOCK EXCHANGE..."
Kim Clement: God says, "I will Introduce Myself starting in WALL STREET and going through the STOCK EXCHANGE..."
From the desk of Steve Shultz:
The following words were prophesied by Kim Clement on September 19 and September 20, 2008. This was BEFORE the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 777.68 points on Monday, September 29 - the largest single point-drop in history.
This word has been transcribed word for word, but somewhat shortened in places for brevity. As many of you know, Kim prophesies in both riddle form and in exact "fact" form. You will see a little of each below.
Always remember that it's good form to put this word up alongside words by other prophets who will get additional or what I call "cousin" words. Prophets don't often disagree to the degree some feel they do. They just get different pieces of the puzzle.
Steve Shultz
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The ElijahList & ElijahRain magazine
Prophesied September 19, 2008 - Detroit, Michigan:
"I Gave a Generation So Much"
For the Spirit of the Lord says, "Even as you make declaration that I rule the earth, is it not an insult to the Creator to speak on His behalf and say, 'things are out of control'? My Son made these words known: I will build My Church, I will build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail. I will build My Church."
For God said, "I gave a generation so much, unlocked the keys because of a revival that I sent in 1948. I gave keys and people condemned this revival and they said it was not of God because the people shook. They said it was not of God because the people fell. They said it was not of God because of what they did and the manifestations.
"And yet, because of that, keys were given and talents were given to a generation, and because of those talents, I brought this nation out of depression. I brought this nation out of war. I brought this nation to a place where Jesus was engraved upon the skins of young men and women. I brought this nation to the place where songs were birthed from groups that were once condemned as rock n' roll, and they sang about Jesus. It was called the 'Jesus movement.'
"This all came because some prayed together in 1948. And I sent these strange experiences and yet today, I must listen and be insulted," says the Lord, "when they who call themselves voices of God and would condemn and constantly bring judgment upon this nation." You have been through it, and God said, "My Church has arisen and has come to the fore every single time."
"I Will Introduce Myself Starting in Wall Street..."
"There is a great need at this hour, but do you really think that I am going to cause your economy to 'go to hell?'" For the Spirit of the Lord says, "What is happening today, what has happened today and what will happen tomorrow and on Monday,"God said, "will shake the nation and they will say, 'is there any more hope for this nation, is there any more hope? Is there any more hope?'"
And God said, "Who rules the nations? Who is he that rules the nations? They will say, 'it's costing the government billions of dollars to erect what has fallen.'" But God said, "Do you not understand that sometimes these things happen because men have relied on filthy lucre, men have relied on their power and as their strong arm finances, silver and gold? They have relied upon oil, they have relied upon earth and soil. And this has been their strength.
"Now, once again, I will introduce Myself starting in Wall Street and going through the Stock Exchange and on the Northeast of America to the Midwest, down to the South I will introduce Myself as the strength of this nation again," says the Lord of Hosts!
"This will go from strength to strength and men who relied upon the rising of their funds, now they say, 'where do we go, where do we go?' Where can they go but to the Lord? For I have already determined it that My Church will not go underbecause I am building My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it,"says the Lord!
For God said, "They could not rely upon Greenspan, they could not rely upon men of great financial integrity. I will take even the wealthiest and the richest and the most powerful and I will cause them to say, 'we have nowhere to go.'" God said, "Do not concern yourselves, saints of the Most High God. For even as Daniel prospered in Babylon and Joseph prospered in Egypt, so shall ye prosper as you sing in the presence of those," God says.
Prophesied September 20, 2008 - Detroit, Michigan:
"I Am the One"
"Death, hell and the grave have no power. I am the resurrection and the life. I am He that holds the keys to death, hell and the grave. Death, where is your victory? Grave, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting? I am the rider on the horse. I am the resurrection and the life. I hold the keys to death, hell and the grave. I am the One, I am the One; the resurrection and the life. I hold the keys to death, hell and the grave."
God says, "There's a stench coming from the grave, from the hearts of the people who come as enemies to this nation. There's a stench coming from the pit, coming from the pit of their beings saying, 'we will bring down the God of America.' But who do they think they are? I'm the One, I'm the One, I'm the One, the resurrection and the life!
"There's a stench coming from the people that have said, 'I will bring down the God of America.' Who do they think they are? I am the One that's on the horse, I am the King of kings, the resurrection and the life. Who do they think they are to say I am no longer the One? Who do they think they are who say I am obsolete, I am no longer living? Who do they think they are who say I have gone never to return? What do you think they are to say to Me, 'You are no longer the One'? I gave My life, I gave My song, I gave My heart. I gave My heart, I gave My song to the ones that crucified Me.
"There's a nation crying out for children. There's a nation crying out for children. They have taken the children of Mine, wanting them to be adults. There's a nation crying out for children that will cry to the Father. And this nation, America, will never, never look away from the holy child, from the holy child who will come. The restoration of this nation, and you'll be great again, America, you'll be great again. You'll be great again, America!
"Because the prayers of the fathers, they have not died. From sea to shining sea, they will bow their knee. You'll be great again, America! You'll stand again, America! You'll stand proud again, America, from sea to shining sea they'll bend their knee. They'll bow their knee to the One and only Son. You'll be great again, America. You'll stand tall again, America. You'll be proud to say, 'we are the nation, the brave, the free, those that bring liberty.' From sea to shining sea they will bend their knee."
"I Will Cause the Next Four Years to Be a Rulership Under Me"
This is the word of the Lord: "You have come to hear what I have set aside for this nation for the next four years. Can a man restore order? Can a man bring change? None of those that stand shall do anything that they say. They shall attempt, but without My presence and the acknowledgment of the Christ that was laid into the foundation, in the cornerstone of this nation, no man shall qualify to do anything."
God said, "Even as this night you remember these words and you have allowed My prophet to prophesy the deep mysteries of the Kingdom, for it shall be a massive and very strange happening, when they shall say, 'why are the Democrats and the Republicans suddenly joining forces with certain issues?' This shall be the working of the Lord. This shall be a presentation that shall shock and nullify those who have attempted to say, 'America will never stand united again.'"
For God said, "You shall have two very severe enemies suddenly rise up against you," and God said, "you will not go to another war, for I will prevent it. Because I will take certain things that shall be manifested and they shall begin to withdraw because of the great authority that shall come; because of the unity of this event that shall take place in the United States of America." For God says, "They shall say, 'we have no choice but to join hands, we have got to lay aside our differences.'" And the Spirit of the Lord said, "It shall be a marvelous thing. It shall confound your enemies."
For God said, "I will cause the next four years to be a rulership under Me and under the Lord God Almighty and under the banner of the Trinity, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Do not say, 'God has forsaken America.' I have just told you through My prophet that there shall be so many changes and America shall be known as great and they shall be proud for they have attempted to help and unite other nations."
But now God said, "There is discord amongst this nation. I will cause you to be surprised," for God said, "you will look and you will say, 'look, things have happened that we never dreamed would happen.' Therefore let Me rule, let Me reign. For the peace of God is about to rest upon this nation. Yeah, it shall be My will to speak goodness and goodness shall happen," says the Spirit of God!
Therefore God said, "Do not look back and say, 'oh, we have to go back a few years.'"God said, "You're not going back, for I have already got the inventions ready for you to have the energy that you need so that you can be self-sufficient. It's going to happen so quickly." And God said, "Even now, even at this time, during theThanksgiving of this year, I shall unfold many many things in this order."
Therefore God said, "Look, prosperity is coming back to you. Do not look and say, 'Wall Street' and do not say, 'the Stock Market' and do not say, 'this or that.'" God said, "I have looked at you and you are the apple of My eye; and because you are the apple of My eye, I will come to you like I came to David and rescue you from the enemy that has tried to pull you down," says the Lord!
Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions
Buddies After a Break-Up?
Buddies After a Break-Up
Following the re-publishing of my article "Not Your Buddy," one reader asked me to address the topic of buddies after a break-up. She writes:
The guy wants to continue having the benefits of the familiarity and the encouragement and cheerleading that the girl provided him with during the relationship, but also wants to "be free" and "move on." Is he crazy?
When you have been in love with someone, I find it EXTREMELY hard to be "friends," even being cordial is hard at times. Especially when this guy has told you that you are the one and then flips it.
I don't believe it's appropriate for men and women to be buddies after breaking up. I have remained friends with men I've had relationships with, but the familiarity had to end.
This quote from J.R.R. Tolkien (provided by another Boundless reader) emphasizes the reason the broken up cannot be buddies:
How quickly an intelligent woman can be taught, grasp his ideas, see his point — and how (with rare exceptions) they can go no further, when they leave his hand, or when they cease to take a personal interest in him. But this is their natural avenue to love. Before the young woman knows where she is (and while the young man, when he exists, is still sighing) she may actually 'fall in love'. Which for her, an unspoiled natural young woman, means that she wants to become the mother of the young man's children, even if that desire is by no means clear to her or explicit. And then things are going to happen: and they may be very painful and harmful, if things go wrong. Particularly if the young man only wanted a temporary guiding star and divinity (until he hitches his wagon to a brighter one), and was merely enjoying the flattery of sympathy nicely seasoned with the titillation of sex — all quite innocent, of course, and worlds away from 'seduction'.
....Don't be misled by the fact [women] are more 'sentimental' in words — freer with 'darling', and all that. They don't want a guiding star. They may idealize a plain young man into a hero; but they don't really need any such glamour either to fall in love or to remain in it.
—From a letter to his son, Michael Tolkien 6-8 March 1941, The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien
Clearly men and women view close companionship differently. In my experience, if — after a man has told me that he is not interested in pursuing me — he continues to seek out personal time with me, I assign his actions more weight than his words. This is the danger of remaining buddies with someone after an explicit verbal severing of the romantic relationship has taken place.
Speaking in the terms of Tolkien's quote, I believe it is best for the woman to remove herself from the position of "guiding star" unless, or until, the man is prepared to make her the star in his life. Likewise, the man should resist the temptation to make a woman his "divinity" unless he's prepared to pursue her with integrity.
This approach may seem foreign in a culture that uses "let's stay friends," as a salve for the pain of breaking up. Sometimes the friendship shouldn't be salvaged. Sometimes a woman must say, "I'm worthy of being someone's bright star," and a man must say, "I'm going to resist the urge to hitch myself to a star that is not mine."
Cordiality after a break-up is one thing; continued intimacy is another. The latter should not exist.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Research Shows Touch Matters More than We May Have Thought
The study found that with caring touch—holding hands, massage, hugging and kissing—blood pressure was lowered, stress hormones decreased in the blood and the positive hormone, oxytocin increased in the blood.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Many years ago the Lord taught me a lesson about touch and I've never forgotten it. (You tend not to forget the things the Lord shows you directly!) One night, after my husband and I had had an argument, I distinctly heard (not aloud) the Lord tell me to reach over and put my hand on my husband's arm, because "touch is important." That was the LAST thing I wanted to do since I was still mad. But the Holy Spirit kept prodding me. I told God I didn't want to touch my husband, and He said, "I DO. When you touch him it will be MY touch, MY love." How could I refuse that?! So I reached over and put my hand on my husband's arm—immediately I was immersed in God's love for him. It was remarkable. As I watched this report; that is what came to mind. Could it be that as we touch another person—hold their hand, give them a hug—we can be an extension of God's own hands? -Aimee Herd, BCN.
(Utah, USA)—Research out of Brigham Young University is suggesting that simple human touch, such as holding hands, can help heal.
FOXNews' Megyn Kelly spoke with Dr. Mark Siegel about the study. "We spend so much time worrying about bacteria and viruses being spread saying, 'wash your hands, don't touch;' it's great to look at the positive effects of touching," said Siegel.
The research involved 34 married couples, ages 20 to 39, and took place in the couples' home environment. The study found that with caring touch—holding hands, massage, hugging and kissing—blood pressure was lowered, stress hormones decreased in the blood and the positive hormone, oxytocin increased in the blood.
Dr. Siegel added, "Previous studies have shown that the brain centers that are activated by fear and worry, those decreased in response to this kind of touching. So you're calming someone…studies have shown that worry and stress can increase stroke and heart disease, so there's really something to this."
To watch this video report, use the link provided.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Sharon Stone and Cindy Jacobs: "Prophetic Words About the Current Economic System and POLITICAL CRISIS"
The following is a prophecy given by Dr. Sharon Stone in Glasgow, Scotland in the summer of 2008. The notations in RED are fulfillment of the word, but are not part of the word given.
September is a Turning Point
"September is a turning point and a sign of the times. It is all about those who have made Godly alignments in this season being blessed with revelation and information in the midst of world crisis.
"I see more banks will suffer: a USA world bank's shares are in trouble (Lehman Brothers files bankruptcy, September 15, 2008). I see government in the USA bailing out mortgage giants (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Federal takeover, September 7, 2008) and the government in England cutting house purchase taxes for the sagging housing crisis (Stamp Duty Tax change announced, September 2, 2008) to no avail.
"I see a European airline failing with no notice (XL files bankruptcy, September 12, 2008). I see the eyes of the world looking to see, 'Who is this coming out of Alaska?' (Sarah Palin announced as McCain's running mate, August 29, 2008). And I see smoke coming from the Chunnel (Fire in the Chunnel, September 11, 2008).
"As I see these things, I hear the encouragement of God to His Isaacs in the earthwho sow in the times of famine and reap 100 fold in the year. I'm not a prosperity preacher, I'm a prophet. And God is saying that September will convince you that you must connect to His economic system. There are always the few that are greatly blessed when the majority are shaken, threatened and fearful."
God says, "Have you positioned yourself for THE NEW? Your storehouse is not an earthly bank. Hold on and I will bail you out of your mortgage issues. Am I not better to you than any government? I will not leave you stranded on foreign soil, and I will carry you above the circumstances better than any plane or jet. And your hope is not an Alaskan saviour, but Me." I know that sounds strange, it does to me also.
"England, the smoke I saw coming out of the Chunnel is a warning for yourintercessors to arise and cut off the enemy's plan to sabotage and siege England's favour in trade. Let him who has ears hear....
"God, I release an Isaac anointing upon us now!"
Dr. Sharon Stone
Christian International Europe
About Sharon Stone: Sharon is the founder and senior minister of Christian International Europe. She is widely recognized as an Apostolic Prophet to the nations and has traveled to over thirty nations. By the age of nineteen, Sharon was an Intern Pastor and within twelve years she had pioneered and planted two churches and was the president of a Bible college. In 1996, Sharon and her family relocated to England to pioneer Christian International Europe with the intention of developing and mobilizing prophets and apostles to unlock harvest in the nations. Sharon has three grown children and is married to Greg Black.
God Said, "Call Together My People to Pray for the Economy"
During a worship service at the end of January, the Lord spoke to me in a long, ringing voice, "Cindy Jacobs, the strongman over America doesn't live in Washington D.C. - the strongman that really rules over this nation lives in New York City! Call together My people to pray for the economy."
I knew then that the economy was going to crash without effective, fervent intercession. The Lord went on to speak to me with the words: "October 29th was Black Tuesday, the day the stock market crashed, and satan wants to do it again!"
Shaken to the core, I pondered what to do. I knew that I must call the people of God to converge in New York City the week of October 29, 2008 - for an emergency prayer rally to cry out against economic collapse because the economy was going to shake!
During that week, we will have some of the finest apostolic prayer leaders from across the country join together for several days of onsite prayer strikes at key locations throughout New York City including: Wall Street, the New York Stock Exchange, the Federal Reserve and the United Nations.
We are then calling the Body of Believers from around the world to join us onOctober 31 and November 1 in Brooklyn, New York for Convergence '08 - an emergency prayer rally for immediate stabilization of our national and global markets.
October 31st is also Reformation Day in Germany. Some of you know that while my husband Mike and I were in Germany on this day in 2007, as we stood before the Wittenberg Door where Martin Luther tacked the 95 theses, we had four separate dramatic visitations, each of which said it had been 490 years since the last reformation (Daniel 9) and we were to pray for a new reformation to begin.
This was fascinating to me as I had just spent two years of my life writing my new book The Reformation Manifesto on the subject of how to not only be a reformer, but how to reform the arts, media, family, government, education, economic systems, etc.
The political parties within the United States and the United Nations are currently running on a platform of reform, as corruption is being exposed around the world and the citizens are shouting, "We are tired of being used!" One leader in the U.S. said that it was because of the addiction to O.P.M. (other people's money) that corruption has almost destroyed our economic systems.
Pray to Shift the Economy
I am calling you to come from the ends of the earth to pray to "shift the economy."What do I mean by "shifting the economy"? Last January, at Chuck Pierce's Starting the Year off Right conference, God gave a group of us a prophetic word that He was going to "shift the bull and the bear market to become a lion market" and then went on to say, "And I will have enough shares in this market."
For too long we have known to pray for our nations, but we have not known how to see to it that the Lion of Judah ran the economies of nations. He is the Creator, and believe me, He knows how to heal nations!
The Lord has shown me that He wants to release a "corporate Joseph anointing" into the Body of Christ in 2009 and 2010. If one looks at the history of the Stock Market Crash of 1929, although many suffered, there were those that gained great wealth because they knew what to do in difficult times. This is the manifestation of the Issachar anointing that we are crying out to God for during this time of shaking. God is going to show us what to do.
God Said, "Pray for the Stock Markets and Economic Systems"
Although the word I am going to give is a strong, dire one, think of it as a warning that is merciful. Judgment can be averted and a blessing left behind with economic systems changed in such a way that will eradicate systemic corruption - so that we can eradicate systemic poverty.
For the Lord says, "I am answering your prayers and have begun the cleansing of Wall Street; exposing the wickedness and greed in high places. Pray now and I will begin to give the leaders of the nation wisdom on how to revamp and reverse the debtor system currently in place. This is a course correction.
"If you do not pray at this time, you will miss your day of visitation and the economy will collapse, causing a ripple effect that will sweep the nations with a major tsunami wave. This wave will begin to touch the ground, as even the harvests of the world will be affected. Food shortages, hyper-inflation and other sorrows, especially affecting the poor, will take place.
"However, I say, if My people respond and fall on their face and cry out at this time with a mighty cry, I will hear them and heal their lands.
"Hear, O nations of the earth! Respond with weeping and travail and pray for the stock markets and economic systems. Pray for your leaders as well; for the earth is in the throes of a deep shaking at this moment; for the systems of the earth must be reformed.
"Do not despair and think that I cannot heal; that I will not hear your crying to Me from My throne in Heaven. My ear is carefully listening for your sound, so I willreverse the curse and bring a blessing upon your lands."
This is no time for business as usual! As per Joel 2, it is time for the Bridegroom to come out of the chamber and fight for the land.
Convergence '08 Conference Info
Join us on October 31-November 1, 2008 for:
Convergence '08
Gateway City Church
267 Bay Ridge Avenue; Brooklyn, New York
Together, let's P.U.S.H - Pray Until Something Happens!
For more information about Convergence '08, visit or to registerclick here.
Cindy Jacobs
Generals International
Friday, September 19, 2008
Study Shows Drinking Tea is Actually Healthier than Drinking Water
Provides antioxidants, replaces fluids, strengthens bones and protects against dental plaque. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure as they say.
(United Kingdom)—The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition has reported that tea not only rehydrates as well as water does, but it can also protect against heart disease and some cancers. Other health benefits, according to a BBC report, included protection against tooth plaque and potentially tooth decay, plus bone strengthening.
Public health nutritionist Dr. Carrie Ruxton said, "Drinking tea is actually better for you than drinking water. Water is essentially replacing fluid.
"Tea replaces fluids and contains antioxidants so it's got two things going for it. Studies on caffeine have found very high doses dehydrate and everyone assumes that caffeine-containing beverages dehydrate. But even if you had a really, really strong cup of tea or coffee, which is quite hard to make, you would still have a net gain of fluid. Also, a cup of tea contains fluoride, which is good for the teeth."
Source: Staff - BBC
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Rick Warren's Sound Advice on Qualities to Look for in a President
Rick Warren's Sound Advice on Qualities to Look for in a President Aimee Herd (September 17, 2008) "Whether leading in business, education, politics or family, character always trumps charisma…" The pastor who hosted the Civil Forum on the Presidency in August, Dr. Rick Warren, has shared some good non-partisan points on deciding on a candidate to support in November's election. The full article appears in the October issue of the Ladies Home Journal, and was recently excerpted by
"Whether leading in business, education, politics or family, character always trumps charisma," said Warren, reiterating that, "What we desperately need in our leaders today is strong character." Dr. Warren also mentioned six other qualities that help to form an excellent leader, such as: compassion, courage and a clear conscience. To read the report by Marcia Segelstein on OneNewsNow, follow the link provided. |
Friday, August 15, 2008
Kenyan President Said "No" to Abortion in His Country—was there a Media Blackout?
President Mwai Kibaki said recently that he sees "no reason, now, or in the future, why anyone would want to legalize abortion in Kenya."
(London, England)—According to a report by, Kenya's President Mwai Kibaki has rejected the legalization of abortion in his country.
At an event held to install the new Catholic Bishop of Kitui, President Kibaki reportedly said that he "saw no reason, now, or in the future, why anyone would want to legalize abortion in Kenya." (Photo: www.officeofthepresident.go.
Hilary White, writer for LifeSiteNews, noted that there seemed to be a "media blackout" for a time, concerning the president's statement.
The subject was raised due to a "Reproductive Health and Rights Bill" that was proposed with the purpose of legalizing abortion in the east African nation for the first time.
White added that "Mutula Kilonzo, Minister for Nairobi Metropolitan Development, also spoke of the bill, saying that if it reached Parliament; he would marshal the parliamentary forces to 'shoot the bill down.'"
In her article, White writes:
"The majority Christian country—Kenya's population is 45 percent Protestant and 33 percent Roman Catholic and approximately 10 percent Muslim—is among a group of African nations fighting the ongoing attempt by foreign aid agencies to legalize abortion as part of the population control movement. John Smeaton was instrumental in organizing a united resistance to this pressure from the United Nations aid and development agencies in the 1990s and maintains close ties to pro-life advocates around the world.
"Efforts to legalize abortion and impose western-style secularized values on Kenya are not new. While the country enjoys a total fertility rate of 4.7 children born per woman, its many social and economic problems, including a high rate of HIV/AIDS and high rate of infant mortality, leave it vulnerable to pressure from western aid agencies."
To read the full report, follow the Source Link provided.
Source: Hilary White -
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
A Loaves-and-Fishes Miracle in Cairo
"I am fully convinced that this was a supernatural occurrence. It is something I have believed to see in my ministry and am overjoyed that it happened. It happened in such a way that [my ministry] was not at all associated with it, which left local volunteers and non-Christians marveling at what had happened."
(Cairo, Egypt)—Charisma reports that a "loaves and fishes" type miracle is said to have occurred during evangelist Marilyn Hickey's recent trip to Cairo in which 2,400 meals from Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) apparently appeared out of thin air. (Photo: KentuckyFriedChicken)
Notes the report: "The reported incident, which if true is a miracle nearly unheard of in modern times, occurred during Hickey's citywide leaders conference in May, attended by nearly 10,000 pastors and local leaders—from curious Muslims to orthodox Coptic Christians."
According to Hickey, 3,500 boxed-lunches from KFC were ordered and accounted for. "There were tickets distributed for the lunches," she said. "The boxes were given out, leaving none in the room."
Noted reporter Steven Ghiringhelli: "After the food was completely distributed, and after the crowd swelled to about 5,000, Hickey said volunteers were astonished to return to what should've been a room of empty tables to discover 1,200 more lunches. She said after they handed out the mysterious extras, another 1,200 appeared, leaving a surplus of food and dumbfounded witnesses."
"I am fully convinced that this was a supernatural occurrence," Hickey told Charisma. "It is something I have believed to see in my ministry and am overjoyed that it happened. It happened in such a way that [my ministry] was not at all associated with it, which left local volunteers and non-Christians marveling at what had happened."
Follow the link provided to read more about this miracle report which Hickey says is verifiable, and also her assertion that the work of one Christian who ministers in the slums of Cairo is nothing short of a miracle in itself.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Secret vs The Bible
Of late a couple of my friends have asked me a lot about 'The Secret' which is supposed to be revolutionizing people's lives. I got a chance to watch the DVD on TS but somehow I was not convinced. Don't get me wrong, a lot of what they teach is great and people should be applying it. But I do have a couple of issues with it.
One thing that really bothered me is the way they sort of overlooked God or glossed over him. They even do quote scripture and all but still, it wasn't convincing. They have Biblical principals and even teach that many preachers e.g Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Joel Osteen and so on teach principles based on the secret. Well, I think they are just trying to justify their teaching. I for one listen to all these preachers regularly. I am subscribed to their podcasts, buy their books and CDs and DVDs. Never once did I hear them use the secret as their reference material. They use the Bible - God's Word as their reference. By trying to say that they teach principles from the secret is to really insult them, because I consider the Word of God to be so far above what any man can write (the secret).
My point is this. The Secret's teaching does away with the need for God. It does away with sin, a Holy God and the need for a Saviour. That in my opinion is man trying to make himself god. And God tells us that we should have no other gods before Him, and that includes us.
I believe in God and I make no bones about it. I believe in the need for a Saviour, that we are a people with a sin-nature and need the blood of God's Holy Son to wash away our sin and restore our relationship with a loving, caring but Holy God. When teaching appears that seems to support what the Bible teaches but refutes that Jesus is Lord or that there is a Holy God, I am very suspect about it.
I have also told my friends about that - I feel that way. There needs to be God. What if not everyone believes in my God. Well, I still preach Him any how and live for Him. Oh, and might I add one more thing about what the secret lacks - it lacks covenant. That is what Jesus came to do for us - to enable us who were without God and without hope in this world, have a covenant with God. If you don't know the implications of a covenant - it simply means that I exchange my weaknesses for His strengths - that is what the cross is for - exchange.
Wan't to read more on this issue, please go here. A very nice blog with scriptural reference.
So, in conclusion, the teachings in the secret are true but they are not complete because they eliminate God. Just quoting scriptural references doesn't make the cut for me - even the devil quoted scripture when tempting Jesus.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Rick Warren meets with Kenyan government leaders on day of cabinet restructure and challenges Church and Business Leaders to unity and renewal
Rick Warren meets with Kenyan government leaders on day of cabinet restructure and challenges Church and Business Leaders to unity and renewal in wake of recent election
Michael Ireland (April 9, 2008)
"This could be the Kenyan church's finest hour, and a step toward revival—not to retreat, not to divide, but to shine."
(Nairobi, Kenya)—Pastor Rick Warren completed a 12-day trip to Africa Monday with a whirlwind visit to Nairobi, Kenya, where he met with the vice president and speaker of the House of Parliament and addressed separate groups of top church and business leaders.
According to A. Larry Ross Communications, Warren was invited to meet with leadership from both parties on the day President Mwai Kibaki was working to appoint an expanded cabinet of opposition leaders to complete a coalition government in the wake of violence following national elections last December that left 1,500 dead and displaced 300,000 other Kenyans as refugees in their own country."God's purpose for this nation is greater than the pain you are going through now," Warren told Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka.
"From the outside it looks like pain, but from God's perspective, it looks like labor before new birth. Don't look at what you've lost; look at what is left. Kenya is still a vibrant nation, and out of this will come new life for the country and its people."
Warren then shared with Mr. Musyoka his vision for the P.E.A.C.E Plan through which he is mobilizing volunteers from the U.S. in Rwanda, Uganda and other African nations to address the five global giants of spiritual emptiness, ego-centric leadership, extreme poverty, pandemic disease and crippling illiteracy.
The vice president said that his government would officially welcome that emphasis in his country as well and sealed that invitation with a handshake.
During a subsequent meeting at the Statehouse with Mr. Kenneth Marende, speaker of the house of parliament, Warren outlined Biblical principles of leadership and how they apply to Kenya's current crisis. Marende asked Warren to return for a day of training on that curriculum for all Parliamentarians on his next visit to Nairobi.
Warren later encouraged and challenged a group of bishops and denominational heads in the critical leadership opportunity before them.
"It is good to be with the fathers of the church in Kenya, meeting together in harmony and unity when so many things in your country are in crisis," he said. "This could be the Kenyan church's finest hour, and a step toward revival—not to retreat, not to divide, but to shine.
"We must never let politics or anything else divide us," said Warren. "Our message is, 'Overcome evil with good.' You don't overcome evil by protesting, marching or demonstrating.
"God is softening the hearts of people across this country; don't miss this opportunity by focusing on politics," Warren explained. "There is only one thing that will unite this nation, and it is not politics—it is the Church, your church.
"People are most interested in spiritual things when they are in transition or tension," Warren added. "Don't look at it as a breakdown, but rather as a breakthrough. This opportunity for renewal and revival will depend on where you lead your people. You need to help them lay things down and pray them up and to build bridges, not walls.
Warren concluded: "Despite our different denominations, we need to speak with one voice the answer to this predicament. We need boldness to proclaim love in the midst of hate; unity in the middle of disunity; direction in the center of confusion; understanding where there has been misunderstanding; and forgiveness in the face of hurt and pain."
When the Kenyan church leaders heard about their counterparts in neighboring countries uniting together to make Rwanda and Uganda Purpose Driven nations by conducting "40 Days of Purpose" training in most of their churches, they, too, invited Warren and his team back to make Kenya the third country to embrace these principles on a national scale.
As he did in both Uganda and Rwanda earlier on the trip, Warren concluded his visit before departing for the U.S. by addressing a dinner of successful business leaders, encouraging them to use their resources and influence for God and for good.
"You don't have to see eye-to-eye to move forward," Warren said. "At this point, what is needed is for someone to absorb the pain. Retaliation only leads to escalation and never makes the problem better. What is needed now is for people to not identify with a particular tribe or party, but with the mantra, 'I am Kenyan.'"
Warren left Nairobi for Washington, D.C., where he will give the closing plenary address at the national preaching conference on Tuesday evening. Next week, April 16 and 17, he will conduct nine pastors' rallies in all five boroughs of New York City in preparation for a city-wide "40 Days of Purpose" campaign in September.
Source: ASSIST News Service