Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Secret vs The Bible

Or should I put the, The Bible versus The Secret.

Of late a couple of my friends have asked me a lot about 'The Secret' which is supposed to be revolutionizing people's lives. I got a chance to watch the DVD on TS but somehow I was not convinced. Don't get me wrong, a lot of what they teach is great and people should be applying it. But I do have a couple of issues with it.

One thing that really bothered me is the way they sort of overlooked God or glossed over him. They even do quote scripture and all but still, it wasn't convincing. They have Biblical principals and even teach that many preachers e.g Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Joel Osteen and so on teach principles based on the secret. Well, I think they are just trying to justify their teaching. I for one listen to all these preachers regularly. I am subscribed to their podcasts, buy their books and CDs and DVDs. Never once did I hear them use the secret as their reference material. They use the Bible - God's Word as their reference. By trying to say that they teach principles from the secret is to really insult them, because I consider the Word of God to be so far above what any man can write (the secret).

My point is this. The Secret's teaching does away with the need for God. It does away with sin, a Holy God and the need for a Saviour. That in my opinion is man trying to make himself god. And God tells us that we should have no other gods before Him, and that includes us.

I believe in God and I make no bones about it. I believe in the need for a Saviour, that we are a people with a sin-nature and need the blood of God's Holy Son to wash away our sin and restore our relationship with a loving, caring but Holy God. When teaching appears that seems to support what the Bible teaches but refutes that Jesus is Lord or that there is a Holy God, I am very suspect about it.

I have also told my friends about that - I feel that way. There needs to be God. What if not everyone believes in my God. Well, I still preach Him any how and live for Him. Oh, and might I add one more thing about what the secret lacks - it lacks covenant. That is what Jesus came to do for us - to enable us who were without God and without hope in this world, have a covenant with God. If you don't know the implications of a covenant - it simply means that I exchange my weaknesses for His strengths - that is what the cross is for - exchange.

Wan't to read more on this issue, please go here. A very nice blog with scriptural reference.

So, in conclusion, the teachings in the secret are true but they are not complete because they eliminate God. Just quoting scriptural references doesn't make the cut for me - even the devil quoted scripture when tempting Jesus.
