Thursday, March 22, 2007

ABC's Nightline Showcases Scientific Study of Speaking In Tongues

"When they are actually engaged in this whole very intense spiritual practice...their frontal lobes tend to go down in activity. It is very consistent with the kind of experience they have, because they say that they're not in charge. [They say] it's the voice of God, it's the Spirit of God that is moving through them."

Vicki Mabrey, Roxanna Sherwood/TN (Mar 21st, 2007)

ABC's Nightline this Thursday will cover the phenomena/gift of speaking in tongues.

At the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Andrew Newberg has been conducting a scientific study of the phenomenon for a long time. According to an ABC report, Newberg found that brain scans show quite different results with Christians praying in tongues compared to Buddhist monks meditating and Franciscan nuns praying. The frontal lobes—the part of the brain right behind the forehead that's considered the brain's control center—went quiet in the brains of tongue-speakers.(Photo: ABC News)

"When they are actually engaged in this whole very intense spiritual practice...their frontal lobes tend to go down in activity. It is very consistent with the kind of experience they have, because they say that they're not in charge. [They say] it's the voice of God, it's the Spirit of God that is moving through them," said Newberg.

"Whatever is coming out of their mouth is not what they are purposefully or willfully trying to do. And that's in fairly stark contrast to the people who are—like the Buddhist and Franciscan nuns—in prayer, because they are very intensely focused and in those individuals the frontal lobes actually increase activity."

Says one participant in the study, Pastor Gerry Stoltzfoos, "I don't think faith has anything to be afraid of from science. Science validates faith, so bring it on, whatever the facts are, bring it on."

"When you have experienced this, you don't really care what anybody else thinks. It is personal in the first place; it is something between you and God," said Stoltzfoos. "So we don't really care if it is validated or not, but it is fascinating when it is, so that people who have thought we are crazy can have something to look at and—we are still crazy, we are just not as crazy as they thought."

Source: ABC

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Many Top American Idol Contestants Raised in Churches

"I want them to see and hear that being a Christian, and singing about it, isn't weird!"

Adelie M. Banks, Sally York, Kevin Jackson/TN, AH (Mar 14th, 2007)

Reporters Adelie M. Banks and Sally York, writing a report on how often American Idol (AI) contestants have grown up in the church, note that churches (especially African American) have often been the training ground for artists who make it to America's most prominent stages.

One example listed is current contestant Melinda Doolittle, who attends the same Nashville church as Gospel artist CeCe Winans. "Though she's doing the majority of everything in the secular realm, in the secular field, right now, she's bringing the cross over instead of crossing over," said Ternae Jordan Jr., a worship leader at Mount Canaan Baptist Church, in Chattanooga.

Doolittle was quoted as saying her personal goals are to "represent Christ well and do everything 150 percent."

In addition, two other AI contestants have not been shy about their faith, and have beginnings founded in the church. According to a Christian Post article, Jordan Sparks and Chris Sligh are also representatives of the Lord in the overwhelmingly popular singing competition. Both have also attended GMA Music in the Rockies, a competition for aspiring Christian singer/songwriters. (Photo: Chris Sligh–

"I want them (non-believers) to know that God loves them, Jesus died for them, and that God has a plan for their life," Sparks explains. "I want them to see and hear that being a Christian, and singing about it, isn't weird!"

Chris Sligh, with his trademark floppy fro, has already sung two songs in the competition which come from artists with Christian roots—Mute Math and (last week) DC Talk.

Source: Washington Post, Christian Post

Zell Miller's Solution for Social Security, Immigration Problems: Ban Abortions

"How could this great land of plenty produce too few people in the last 30 years? Here is the brutal truth that no one dares to mention: We're too few because too many of our babies have been killed."

AJC Staff/TN, JM, AH (Mar 14th, 2007)

In Macon, Georgia, this week, former U.S. Sen. Zell Miller declared that abortion "has contributed to the military's manpower shortage, the Social Security crisis, and the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States." That, according to a report in The Atlanta Journal Constitution.

"How could this great land of plenty produce too few people in the last 30 years? Here is the brutal truth that no one dares to mention: We're too few because too many of our babies have been killed," Miller said.

"Over 45 million since Roe v. Wade in 1973. If those 45 million children had lived, today they would be defending our country, they would be filling our jobs, they would be paying into Social Security," the former Georgia governor said. "Still, we watch as 3,700 babies are killed every single day in America. It is unbelievable that a nation under God would allow this."

EDITORIAL NOTE: While all of us are saddened by the increasing numbers of Americans who have given their lives for their country, serving in Iraq—approximately 3,193 in the last four years, equaling about 799 deaths-a-year—there are other numbers of lives given, and taken, that should never be ignored. Consider the following factual statistics when lamenting the price of war...remembering that each and every death (whether war related or not) is grievous.

The following statistics tell us that:

In 2001, on September 11th, 2,973 people died and 24 remain missing—presumed dead. That is 2997 deaths in just a few hours.

During the infamous attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps suffered a total of 2,896 casualties of which 2,117 were deaths over several hours.

The official number of Americans killed in the Revolutionary War (4,435) is only about 2/3 the numbers usually given by historians. The total of US combat deaths during the Civil War is given as 140,414—or some 30,000 higher than most historians would estimate. The VA accepts without comment the very incomplete statistics of Confederate War dead—74,524.

And, outside of war, other U.S. death statistics include...

Killed in car accidents 42,116*

Killed by the common flu 20,000*

Killed by murders 15,517*

*Average per-year totals in United States (Annual average over 19 year period).

Now, compare those numbers to this staggering fact:

Since 1973, there have been 40+ Million abortions performed in the U.S. That is 4,000 abortions every single day...equaling an average of 1,460,000 babies killed PER YEAR. (See for more information.)

Although terribly tragic, of all the statistics listed, comparatively, the war in Iraq has been one of the lowest mortality rates. — Jessica Miller, Aimee Herd, BCN.

Source: The Atlanta Journal Constitution

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Despite City's Restrictions on Event, the BattleCry of over 22,000 Christian Youth Heard Loud and Clear in San Francisco

"We're not going to let this generation fade away. We're not going to let this generation be won by MTV, [or] by all these things that Hollywood is feeding us."

Lillian Kwon/AH (Mar 12th, 2007)

Writing for the Christian Post, Lillian Kwon shares on this weekend's BattleCry event, sponsored by Teen Mania, and attended by more than 22,000 youth. (Photo by: The Christian Post / Gospel Herald, Hudson Tsuei)

Although San Francisco city officials imposed new "amplified sound" restrictions on the two-day gathering, held in AT&T Park, the young people reportedly made their voices heard.

Founder of Teen Mania, and leader of the BattleCry movement, addressed the tens-of-thousands of teens filling the park on Saturday, exclaiming, "When you're ready to surrender, take up the sign of passionately—with everything you've got, with all the lights on, with no music and no emotionalism, just as if you just found the answer to all of your dreams—[jumping] to your feet and [screaming] as loud as you can: I want the cross!"

In response, youth throughout the stadium individually rose to their feet, with hands held high yelling, "I want the cross," without any musical accompaniment.

During the times amplified music was allowed, some of the bands included P.O.D. and Skillet, who told the crowd, "It's about you guys, us, and all the Christians around the whole nation saying, 'We're not going to let this generation fade away. We're not going to let this generation be won by MTV, [or] by all these things that Hollywood is feeding us.'"

To read the full article, click on the link below.

Source: Christian Post

Monday, March 12, 2007

Christians in Barbados Prepare for World Cup through Prayer Walks and Cleaning Neighborhoods

"As we clean, we will also pray."

Inspire Staff/TN (Mar 11th, 2007)

On April 28, the final of the World Cup will be played in Barbados. Looking ahead to that event, 50 Christians with the Christian Action Team, led by Eroll Griffith, organized a prayer and worship walk —called "March forth on your knees" —to ask God's blessing on the region's biggest ever sporting occasion. A series of similar events will continue up to, and after, the World Cup.

"This is all about prayer," Griffith, told the Daily Nation. "It was the idea of a group of Christians who are praying that God manifests Himself so that all the people here for the World Cup realize that He exists, and know He is God."

"It's open to anyone with a heart for prayer, and for this World Cup. We want to thank God for the blessing the sport of cricket has given us all in the Caribbean," Griffith added.

According to a report in Inspire Magazine, "the group has also organized, in association with the Sanitation Service Authority, a special clean-up this weekend, where people are invited to clean up their local neighborhood."

"As we clean," Griffith noted, "we will also pray."

Source: Inspire Magazine

A Laugh-a-day Helps Keep Sickness Away

"It helps reduce stress hormones like cortizol and adrenaline, and plumps up immune system activity by increasing interferon, T-cells and white blood cells."

WebMD Staff/AH (Mar 11th, 2007)

A video report on WebMD maintains that laughter is not only "good for the soul," but studies have shown it to be advantageous to your physical health as well.

"Research shows laughter can improve your health," says the report. "It helps reduce stress hormones like cortizol and adrenaline, and plumps up immune system activity by increasing interferon, T-cells and white blood cells."

The report also states that a good "belly-laugh" can "boost heart rate, improve blood flow, and stabilize blood pressure."

One study revealed lower blood-sugar levels in diabetics who ate their meal at a comedy show. According to the WebMD video, "laughing one hundred times-a-day or more had the same benefits of 10 minutes of aerobic exercise."

Interestingly enough, laughter apparently doesn't need to be genuine to be therapeutic. Now there are "laugh groups" where participants gather with a leader, just to reap the benefits of giggles, even if they're forced. Psychologists are also taking advantage of the good effects of humor, incorporating it in their treatments.

To watch this informative video, follow the link below.


Over 20,000 Christian Teens Converge on San Francisco this Weekend in BattleCry 2007

"We will abide by the law, but I guarantee you our voices will be heard as we take a stand for our generation and our God!"

News Staff/AH (Mar 9th, 2007)

Although officials in San Francisco have imposed stiffer restrictions on this year's gathering of young Believers, more than any secular rock concert, the teens are determined to meet together for worship and prayer over the "city-by-the-bay."

Government leaders imposed customized noise restrictions on the event known as BattleCry—a massive teen rally and worship service—not allowing any amplified sound before 10am and after 10pm for the duration of the two—day assembly.

One of the BattleCry organizers, 18-year-old Charlotte Hamilton, declared, "We will abide by the law, but I guarantee you our voices will be heard as we take a stand for our generation and our God!"

An initiative of Teen Mania, one of the world's largest youth organizations, BattleCry is a movement inspiring hundreds of thousands of teens across the United States to rise up, reject destructive pop culture messages, and recreate teen culture on their own terms.

Of last year's event, the San Francisco Chronicle editorial staff wrote: ". . . the attempt by counter protesters and some of the city's elected officials to call them 'fascist' and 'hateful' was totally at odds with the tone of the ballpark event . . . The young people who came to San Francisco to affirm their faith . . . deserved to be welcomed by a city that was as tolerant and progressive as its sanctimonious supervisors like to profess."

Charlotte Hamilton agreed, adding, "What's so offensive about teens finding hope in God and not in a bed, a bottle, or a pill?"

BattleCry 2007 takes place Friday, March 09th and Saturday, March 10th at AT&T Park in San Francisco. For more information, click below.

Source: BattleCry, Teen Mania

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Iranian Imam Receives Christ Via Satellite TV, Escapes Country

"God is shaking the foundation of Islam in Iran. We have been praying for some of the main government officials to come to Christ and God is answering us."

Mark Ellis/AH (Mar 7th, 2007)

One of the top Islamic leaders in Iran accepted Christ and left the country after facing death threats and imprisonment, according to an Iranian pastor living in the U.S.

"This man has been watching Christian TV programs for the past two years," said Pastor Elnathan Baghestani, founder of Iran for Christ Ministries (ICM). Pastor Baghestani and his wife provide Christian programming to the Mohabat Network satellite, which broadcasts 24/7 into Iran and other Middle Eastern countries. (Photo: Pastor Baghestani of ICM)

The Imam called one of the phone counselors connected to Iran for Christ Ministries and prayed to receive Christ in early February. "The man has been watching Christian TV programs for the past two years," Baghestani said. "He said he has believed since he began watching the programs but his salvation was sealed through his confession."

"This man knows all the verses of the Qur'an by heart," he added. "After he began watching, doubt began in his heart about the Islamic faith." The man spent [time] in prison after he questioned the violence of radical Islam. Following his release from prison, he faced numerous death threats, [but then] escaped the country.

Several other religious leaders may follow suit. "He knows four other high-ranking Imams that are in the same condition and want to leave Iran," Baghestani said.

(It is illegal to own satellite dishes in Iran.) "They arrest people for having satellite dishes because they know the Christian programming is effective," Baghestani noted.

The Imam who fled, left everything behind. "Now he is a poor refugee in a foreign country."

"God is shaking the foundation of Islam in Iran," Baghestani said. "We have been praying for some of the main government officials to come to Christ and God is answering us," he reports. "I pray God will open more doors for us to send the Gospel to the Middle East."

Source: ASSIST News Service

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Poland's Deputy Prime Minister Calls for Immediate EU Ban on Abortion and "Discussion of Christian Foundation of Morality that Sustains Europe"

"A nation which kills its children is a nation without a future. A continent which kills its children will be settled by people who do not kill theirs."

Hilary White/TN (Mar 6th, 2007)

According to LifeSitenews, Poland's Deputy Prime Minister and Education minister, Roman Giertych, told European news reporters that Poland would not back down on plans to oppose abortion, saying: "Abortion needs to be banned immediately."

Calling abortion "a new form of barbarism," Giertych said, "A nation which kills its children is a nation without a future. A continent which kills its children will be settled by people who do not kill theirs. If we will not use all our power to strengthen the family, then as a continent there is not a future for us. We will be a continent settled by representatives of the Islamic world who care for the family." He said.

Giertych also reportedly called for a serious discussion of the Christian foundation of morality that sustains Europe.

Source: LifeSiteNews

Signs of the Times? Modern-Day Sanhedrin Plans to Revive Temple Sacrifice on Passover Eve

"...the action, even if merely symbolic, is designed to demonstrate in a way that is obvious to all that the expectation of Temple rituals [resuming] is real, and not just talk."

Nadav Shragai/AH (Mar 6th, 2007)

According to a recent article in Haaretz, the Jewish Sanhedrin, reformed and established several years ago, has reportedly purchased a herd of sheep which they hope to use for ritual sacrifice at the site of the Temple on the eve of Passover this year.

Sanhedrin member, Professor Hillel Weiss, told Haaretz that "the action, even if merely symbolic, is designed to demonstrate in a way that is obvious to all that the expectation of Temple rituals [resuming] is real, and not just talk."

The report states that a symbolic sacrifice was performed a few years ago, on Givat Hananya—overlooking the Temple Mount. A young goat, donated by a Tekoa resident, was sacrificed, while residents built a 2-meter-tall oven, according to specifications from the Jewish Law.

Some information in the last couple of years has also pointed toward the building of a third Temple in Jerusalem. There have been reports of architectural plans for the structure, in the works, as well as garments being made especially for the rituals.

To read the full report, follow the link below.


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Members of Congress Inspired by Amazing Grace

"What we've seen on Capitol Hill, and in state capitols, is that both Wilberforce."

Pete Winn/AH (Mar 5th, 2007)

The new film depicting the life and inspirational stand of William Wilberforce, Amazing Grace, is apparently making an impact on members of the U.S. Congress.

Giving the movie a standing ovation, is Sen. Sam Brownback from Kansas. "Wilberforce has been a model for me for many years," said Brownback. "I've studied his life and what he did—and bringing, in a positive way, his active faith into the public square and the fight for human dignity."

"It is a fabulous film," he added. "It is a modern-day story of commitment and grit, and active faith in the public square."

Likewise, Rep. Doug Lamborn of Colorado, agreed that the film was an "inspiration" to fight for what is right—for as long as is needed. "It may take years, it may even take decades," Lamborn said. "This story is a real inspiration, because we have those kinds of issues today that really need to be turned around."

The movie was recommended to other members of Congress at a recent bipartisan prayer breakfast, by Rep. Todd Akin. According to the Citizen Link report, Erik Lokkesmoe, the project manager for Bristol Bay Productions, producer of the film, pointed out its bipartisan appeal.

"What we've seen on Capitol Hill, and in state capitals, is that both parties—Republicans and Democrats—as well as conservatives and liberals in each of those parties, love Wilberforce," he said.

The producers of the film also created The Amazing Change campaign to expose the harsh reality of modern-day slavery—in the form of human trafficking. Lokkesmoe says, "We've seen 75,000 people sign petitions to end modern-day slavery. We've seen people give money to organizations working to end slavery."

Similar to what Wilberforce did in the movie, the producers of Amazing Grace plan to present the petitions to members of Congress on the third week of March.

Sen. Brownback, who has also been working to stop human trafficking, said the petitions would be welcome. "We've got to be active in banning this trade," he added, warning that modern-day slavery is "expanding in some regions of the world."

Source: Citizen Link

Monday, March 05, 2007

New Fully Enclosed Hybrid Motorcycle Car to Hit Market Soon

"Most people wouldn't be willing to go to a meeting on a motorcycle dressed in an Armani suit but they would be more than happy to arrive in a VentureOne."

Daily Mail Staff/TN (Mar 4th, 2007)

A fully enclosed , 360 degree glass canopied roof vehicle, so slender (40 inches) that two of them can drive side-by-side on a highway, is being designed and built by US-based Venture Vehicles, which hopes to put it on sale in the UK soon. Called the VentureOne, the three-wheeled, hybrid auto-bike drives like a car, can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in six seconds, and when negotiating curves it leans 45 degrees like a motorcycle.

According to a report in The Daily Mail, Ian Bruce, co-founder of the Venture Vehicles, said: "The VentureOne will achieve 100mpg with a top speed of over 100mph. It looks similar to a closed-in motorcycle but it is much more than that. It will have more features than a basic car including a steel roll bar, air-conditioning, heating, and a stereo. Most people wouldn't be willing to go to a meeting on a motorcycle dressed in an Armani suit but they would be more than happy to arrive in a VentureOne."

Source: The Daily Mail

Friday, March 02, 2007

Prominent Same-Gender Activist Walks Away From Former Lifestyle to Embrace Christ

"I must come out of the closet again. I have recently experienced the power of change that came over me once I completely surrendered to the teachings of Jesus Christ."

Meg Jalsevac/TN (Mar 1st, 2007)

LifeSiteNews reports that due to the inspiration of a pastor who counseled Charlene Cothran (a prominent black lesbian in the forefront of the fight for equal rights for gays and lesbians, and publisher of a successful magazine geared to black homosexuals) to use her gifts for Christ, Cothran has left her homosexual lifestyle and is making it her mission to offer help to other homosexuals who want to do the same.

Cothran said, "I must come out of the closet again. I have recently experienced the power of change that came over me once I completely surrendered to the teachings of Jesus Christ."

Notes reporter Meg Jalsevac: Cothran offered hope to her "gay and lesbian brothers and sisters who want real peace" saying, "It is simpler than you think to acquire [real peace] and there is no condemnation once you've entered it. Jesus will cleanse and forgive all confessed sin from a willing heart. Homosexuality is only one of them. It is no greater sin than any of the others, but it is sin."

Since then, Cothran has changed her VENUS website mission statement to read: "The new mission of Venus Magazine is to encourage, educate and assist those who desire to leave a life of homosexuality. Our ultimate mission is to win souls for Christ, and to do so by showing love to all God's people. We believe that homosexuality is outside of the will of God. We know that many new and longtime VENUS readers have been instilled with a belief system that is in line with this teaching but are still living 'in the life'. Many desire change and wonder if they can be accepted into the family of God 'just as they are'. The answer is YES! These readers will find the new Venus an anointed and refreshing tool for kingdom work."

Concludes Cothran: "I intend to be just as 'out' about my transformation as I was about my lesbian life."

To read more of this amazing testimony, click on the link below.

Source: LifeSiteNews