Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sharon Stone and Cindy Jacobs: "Prophetic Words About the Current Economic System and POLITICAL CRISIS"

Dr. Sharon Stone:
"September Will Convince You that You Must Connect to His Economic System"

The following is a prophecy given by Dr. Sharon Stone in Glasgow, Scotland in the summer of 2008. The notations in RED are fulfillment of the word, but are not part of the word given.

September is a Turning Point

Dr. Sharon Stone"September is a turning point and a sign of the times. It is all about those who have made Godly alignments in this season being blessed with revelation and information in the midst of world crisis.

"I see more banks will suffer: a USA world bank's shares are in trouble (Lehman Brothers files bankruptcy, September 15, 2008). I see government in the USA bailing out mortgage giants (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Federal takeover, September 7, 2008) and the government in England cutting house purchase taxes for the sagging housing crisis (Stamp Duty Tax change announced, September 2, 2008) to no avail.

"I see a European airline failing with no notice (XL files bankruptcy, September 12, 2008). I see the eyes of the world looking to see, 'Who is this coming out of Alaska?' (Sarah Palin announced as McCain's running mate, August 29, 2008). And I see smoke coming from the Chunnel (Fire in the Chunnel, September 11, 2008).

"As I see these things, I hear the encouragement of God to His Isaacs in the earthwho sow in the times of famine and reap 100 fold in the year. I'm not a prosperity preacher, I'm a prophet. And God is saying that September will convince you that you must connect to His economic systemThere are always the few that are greatly blessed when the majority are shaken, threatened and fearful."

God says, "Have you positioned yourself for THE NEW? Your storehouse is not an earthly bank. Hold on and I will bail you out of your mortgage issues. Am I not better to you than any government? I will not leave you stranded on foreign soil, and I will carry you above the circumstances better than any plane or jet. And your hope is not an Alaskan saviour, but Me." I know that sounds strange, it does to me also.

"England, the smoke I saw coming out of the Chunnel is a warning for yourintercessors to arise and cut off the enemy's plan to sabotage and siege England's favour in trade. Let him who has ears hear....

"God, I release an Isaac anointing upon us now!"

Dr. Sharon Stone
Christian International Europe 


About Sharon Stone: Sharon is the founder and senior minister of Christian International Europe. She is widely recognized as an Apostolic Prophet to the nations and has traveled to over thirty nations. By the age of nineteen, Sharon was an Intern Pastor and within twelve years she had pioneered and planted two churches and was the president of a Bible college. In 1996, Sharon and her family relocated to England to pioneer Christian International Europe with the intention of developing and mobilizing prophets and apostles to unlock harvest in the nations. Sharon has three grown children and is married to Greg Black.


Cindy Jacobs:
"In the Midst of the Shaking, God Has Prepared an Intercessory Thrust!"

God Said, "Call Together My People to Pray for the Economy"

During a worship service at the end of January, the Lord spoke to me in a long, ringing voice, "Cindy Jacobs, the strongman over America doesn't live in Washington D.C. - the strongman that really rules over this nation lives in New York CityCall together My people to pray for the economy."

I knew then that the economy was going to crash without effective, fervent intercession. The Lord went on to speak to me with the words: "October 29th was Black Tuesday, the day the stock market crashed, and satan wants to do it again!"

Shaken to the core, I pondered what to do. I knew that I must call the people of God to converge in New York City the week of October 29, 2008 - for an emergency prayer rally to cry out against economic collapse because the economy was going to shake!

During that week, we will have some of the finest apostolic prayer leaders from across the country join together for several days of onsite prayer strikes at key locations throughout New York City including: Wall Street, the New York Stock Exchange, the Federal Reserve and the United Nations.

We are then calling the Body of Believers from around the world to join us onOctober 31 and November 1 in Brooklyn, New York for Convergence '08 - an emergency prayer rally for immediate stabilization of our national and global markets.

October 31st is also Reformation Day in Germany. Some of you know that while my husband Mike and I were in Germany on this day in 2007, as we stood before the Wittenberg Door where Martin Luther tacked the 95 theses, we had four separate dramatic visitations, each of which said it had been 490 years since the last reformation (Daniel 9) and we were to pray for a new reformation to begin.

This was fascinating to me as I had just spent two years of my life writing my new book The Reformation Manifesto on the subject of how to not only be a reformer, but how to reform the arts, media, family, government, education, economic systems, etc.

The political parties within the United States and the United Nations are currently running on a platform of reform, as corruption is being exposed around the world and the citizens are shouting, "We are tired of being used!" One leader in the U.S. said that it was because of the addiction to O.P.M. (other people's money) that corruption has almost destroyed our economic systems.

Pray to Shift the Economy

I am calling you to come from the ends of the earth to pray to "shift the economy."What do I mean by "shifting the economy"? Last January, at Chuck Pierce's Starting the Year off Right conference, God gave a group of us a prophetic word that He was going to "shift the bull and the bear market to become a lion market" and then went on to say, "And I will have enough shares in this market."

For too long we have known to pray for our nations, but we have not known how to see to it that the Lion of Judah ran the economies of nations. He is the Creator, and believe me, He knows how to heal nations!

The Lord has shown me that He wants to release a "corporate Joseph anointing" into the Body of Christ in 2009 and 2010. If one looks at the history of the Stock Market Crash of 1929, although many suffered, there were those that gained great wealth because they knew what to do in difficult timesThis is the manifestation of the Issachar anointing that we are crying out to God for during this time of shaking. God is going to show us what to do.

God Said, "Pray for the Stock Markets and Economic Systems"

Although the word I am going to give is a strong, dire one, think of it as a warning that is merciful. Judgment can be averted and a blessing left behind with economic systems changed in such a way that will eradicate systemic corruption - so that we can eradicate systemic poverty.

For the Lord says, "I am answering your prayers and have begun the cleansing of Wall Street; exposing the wickedness and greed in high places. Pray now and I will begin to give the leaders of the nation wisdom on how to revamp and reverse the debtor system currently in place. This is a course correction.

"If you do not pray at this time, you will miss your day of visitation and the economy will collapse, causing a ripple effect that will sweep the nations with a major tsunami wave. This wave will begin to touch the ground, as even the harvests of the world will be affected. Food shortages, hyper-inflation and other sorrows, especially affecting the poor, will take place.

"However, I say, if My people respond and fall on their face and cry out at this time with a mighty cry, I will hear them and heal their lands.

"Hear, O nations of the earth! Respond with weeping and travail and pray for the stock markets and economic systems. Pray for your leaders as well; for the earth is in the throes of a deep shaking at this moment; for the systems of the earth must be reformed.

"Do not despair and think that I cannot heal; that I will not hear your crying to Me from My throne in Heaven. My ear is carefully listening for your sound, so I willreverse the curse and bring a blessing upon your lands."

This is no time for business as usual! As per Joel 2, it is time for the Bridegroom to come out of the chamber and fight for the land.

Convergence '08 Conference Info

Join us on October 31-November 1, 2008 for: 
Convergence '08

Gateway City Church 
267 Bay Ridge Avenue; Brooklyn, New York

Together, let's P.U.S.H - Pray Until Something Happens!

For more information about Convergence '08, visit or to registerclick here.

Cindy Jacobs
Generals International 

Friday, September 19, 2008

Study Shows Drinking Tea is Actually Healthier than Drinking Water

Study Shows Drinking Tea is Actually Healthier than Drinking Water
Teresa Neumann (September 18, 2008)

Provides antioxidants, replaces fluids, strengthens bones and protects against dental plaque. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure as they say.

Cup of tea(United Kingdom)—The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition has reported that tea not only rehydrates as well as water does, but it can also protect against heart disease and some cancers. Other health benefits, according to a BBC report, included protection against tooth plaque and potentially tooth decay, plus bone strengthening.

Public health nutritionist Dr. Carrie Ruxton said, "Drinking tea is actually better for you than drinking water. Water is essentially replacing fluid.

"Tea replaces fluids and contains antioxidants so it's got two things going for it. Studies on caffeine have found very high doses dehydrate and everyone assumes that caffeine-containing beverages dehydrate. But even if you had a really, really strong cup of tea or coffee, which is quite hard to make, you would still have a net gain of fluid. Also, a cup of tea contains fluoride, which is good for the teeth."

Source: Staff - BBC

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rick Warren's Sound Advice on Qualities to Look for in a President

Rick Warren's Sound Advice on Qualities to Look for in a President
Aimee Herd (September 17, 2008)

"Whether leading in business, education, politics or family, character always trumps charisma…"

The pastor who hosted the Civil Forum on the Presidency in August, Dr. Rick Warren, has shared some good non-partisan points on deciding on a candidate to support in November's election. The full article appears in the October issue of the Ladies Home Journal, and was recently excerpted by

Rick WarrenWarren states that "character" is the cornerstone of leadership, noting that one can have a charismatic personality, but "without character, charisma becomes a menace, used to manipulate situations for selfish reasons."(Photo:

"Whether leading in business, education, politics or family, character always trumps charisma," said Warren, reiterating that, "What we desperately need in our leaders today is strong character."

Dr. Warren also mentioned six other qualities that help to form an excellent leader, such as: compassion, courage and a clear conscience.

To read the report by Marcia Segelstein on OneNewsNow, follow the link provided.

Source: Marcia Segelstein –