Thursday, March 06, 2008

More on Msafara


I got this from the Msafara Blog. Thought it would be good to share it here.

Getting ready

We are just getting ready to begin the Msafara this Friday. We have done all
that we can . . . and the time has come. To prepare for the Spiritual
warfare, we have engaged a strategy of 4 levels of prayer:

  1. A team of 5 National Intercessors who will go ahead of us and pray over our ministry, the places we shall be in, and the strongholds in each of these towns (Mombasa is notorious for witchcraft and demonization. Eldoret houses the First Masonic Temple ever built in Kenya/E. Africa). This team intercedes on behalf of this nation full-time. They will spend several days of prayer in each place.
  2. A larger team of 100 Church intercessors - mainly lay people trained in the ministry of intercession. They will be involved I city prayer walks, going to specific points of the city blood was shed. Going totemples or witchcraft centers, etc. They will spend one day prayer on this - before the cleansing ceremony.
  3. The Pastors and National Leaders (about 300) praying at the cleansing ceremonies. Because these will also spend time reconciling and seeking healing for their division - they will only ‘cleanse’ at the service itself. But their work together will be an important united ’stand’ by the leaders.
  4. Churches around the country who will not be on the Msafara with us, but will be praying ‘back home’ full-time. For example many at Nairobi Chapel have covenanted to cover Pst. Oscar Muriu (their Senior Pastor) in prayer.

Last Friday we had about 30 Kesha points around the country (& Dar-es-Saalam), and we are now in a week of fasting. Yesterday we were also on TV/Radio to launch off the Msafara (alerting the nation).

To date we have :

  • The Kenya Assemblies of God church registered - their Bishop will accompany us the whole way. He personally gave a lorry of food for Mombasa, all the bottled water we will need, and a lorry for transport. He has also worked out a favorable deal on the 6 busses that will transport people. His church has also been instrumental in mobilizing intercessors. KAG has about 3,500 churches nationwide.
  • The PCEA church - the Moderator is very keen about this. He too will go all the way with us, and has mobilized his intercessors to pray. PCEA probably has 1,000 churches nation-wide.
  • Several Bishops in the Deliverance Church will travel with us, and have mobilized their pastors.
  • The Archbishop of the Anglican (Episcopal) church has given his blessings and called his church to join in - so one of his Bishops will be one of our public speaker.
  • Many other smaller churches are also on board. Over 100 pastors have registered so far for the Msafara - so were right on target. The cost per person is just over 200$ each, but many, many expressed dismay in finding that sort of money (it is a lot in our context - but with having to move 300 people from town to town, feed and house them, it’s not a lot). Anyway, we took a step of faith and reduced the subscription to 70$, and are praying God will furnish us with the balance.
  • UNICEF gave us 10,000 hygiene packs to give the displaced (cost them about 140,000$). We have also set a goal to deliver at least 1 lorry of food (about 15 - 13 tonnes) to each town (costs about 5,000$ per lorry of food).
  • 2 organizations (Diguna & KAG) have given us the empty lorries to transport with free, and another the fuel needed. The idea is that this food will be given over to the Pastors Fellowships in each town to distribute among the needy IDP’s among them. There are as many IDP struggling to survive outside the camp (under the care of the churches) as there are within the camps (under the care of the Red Cross - the Red Cross is very well supplied with provisions).

We are very, very encouraged, especially with all the good-will and support
we have received; and believe this will have a huge impact on the nation.

This weekend there will be a very special guest in the Nairobi Chapel service - a pastor
whose church was burnt down (& 35 people died). He rescued 5 children,
dragging them out of the fire; but the arsonists caught him, beat him up
knocking out 8 of his teeth, & left him for dead. He survived. Nairobi Chapel wants to
honor him as a Kenyan Hero, and will be giving him a gift to restart his
life and church. A dentist in the church has offered to replace all 8 as a
gift to the Lord.