"All of Jesus' contemporaries recorded Christ rose after being dead for three days and ascended into Heaven. For 2,000 years people of faith along with countless scholars have pored over the Scriptures, confirming their veracity. A Hollywood director is the least qualified to render any determination of Biblical truth."
Dane Rose/AH (Feb. 26th, 2007)
National Clergy Council president, the Reverend Rob Schenck issued this statement following a press conference that announced a new documentary claiming proof against the Resurrection of Jesus Christ:
"Today, Hollywood director James Cameron, whose claim to fame is a fictionalized account of the sinking of the Titanic, unveiled a documentary claiming a coffin found in Jerusalem 27 years ago, once contained the remains of Jesus Christ. Cameron employed archaeologists and DNA experts to bolster his assertion [that] Jesus was buried along with his mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and a supposed son, Judah.
"Over the years, Hollywood has attacked and mocked Christianity, providing only negative portrayals of people of faith. It has produced films that undermine moral culture. Hollywood's production of The Da Vinci Code sensationalized a conspiracy theory that the Catholic Church engaged in a cover up of the real story of Jesus operating in the manner of a crime syndicate.
"According to Cameron, his film is no mere speculation, but historical fact. By claiming the remains of Jesus returned to dust along with other members of his family, the Hollywood filmmaker is denying the divinity of the Son of God and his victory over death. Cameron clearly intended to drive a stake into the heart of Christianity, since without the Resurrection, Jesus was only a mortal man.
"Media outlets should exercise restraint in reporting Cameron's Hollywood fiction masquerading as scientific fact. All of Jesus' contemporaries recorded Christ rose after being dead for three days and ascended into Heaven. For 2,000 years people of faith along with countless scholars have pored over the Scriptures, confirming their veracity. A Hollywood director is the least qualified to render any determination of Biblical truth. Not only so, but the people Mr. Cameron has partnered with completely lack credibility. One has been discredited by experts as a charlatan. This is nothing more than a modern day circus sideshow. At best it is pure presumption. At worst, it is pure chicanery."
According to a WorldNewsDaily report, a similar documentary was aired on the BBC back in 1996, and archaeologists challenged the claims against Christ's resurrection even then. One archaeologist, Amos Kloner, the first to examine the site, said that the idea "fails to hold up by archaeological standards but makes for profitable television."
"They just want to get money for it," Kloner added.
Biblical scholar; Stephen Pfann, from the University of the Holy Land in Jerusalem, was reportedly interviewed in the BBC documentary, saying that he put little weight in the film's hypothosis.
Pfann remarked about the documentary's claims, "I don't think that Christians are going to buy into this. But skeptics, in general, would like to see something that pokes holes into the story that so many people hold dear."
Source: Christian Newswire, WND