"Quite frankly, there was definitely a deluge of mail coming through. I had to handle them all."
(Washington, DC)—Toward the end of February an idea, which originated from C. Otto, began circulating the internet. The Red Envelope Project, as it has come to be known, involved sending an empty red envelope to President Obama at the White House on the last day of March to represent a child killed through abortion.
Each red envelope was to be printed on the back with the words: "This envelope represents one child who died in abortion. It is empty because that life was unable to offer anything to the world. Responsibility begins with conception."
According to a recent update from Chelsea Schilling on WorldNetDaily.com, the White House not only received red envelopes, but they were "deluged" with 2.25 million of them in the massive grass-roots campaign.
The worker at the White House who reportedly has taken care of letters addressed to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. for over 30 years told WND, "Quite frankly, there was definitely a deluge of mail coming through. I had to handle them all."
He added, "I've been here 35 years, so I've seen presidents come and go… This campaign ranks up there with the big ones."
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