Thursday, July 30, 2009

President Obama says He Prays "all the time now"

Aimee Herd (July 29, 2009)

"This is something where you just hope that you are aligning your work with His purposes, and that you're attuned to the needs of the people you're there to serve."

In a recent Nightline interview, President Obama told ABC News' Terry Moran that his prayer habits have intensified since taking office, and that he prays "all the time now."

"I've got a lot of stuff on my plate and I need guidance all the time," Obama said in the interview.

Obama prayingHe told Moran that before he was elected, he used to pray each night. Obama reportedly receives a devotional and prayer sent to his BlackBerry every morning from Pastor Joshua DuBois, the director of the president's Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Initiative. (Photo: LATimes)

Obama candidly added, "I think that every president who's had [this job] is constantly humbled by the degree to which there are a lot of issues out there and the notion that one person alone can solve all these problems—I think you're cured of that illusion very quickly."

Read more of this Christian Post article at the source link provided.

Source: Eric Young – Christian Post

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